So one night (the night after Liv got tubes)
RJ gave Olivia a couple cashews and her eye
got red and she was rubbing it and had
this cough that came from no where but we were
just like ok weird then she just kept scratching
herself all over even in her diaper area and her
face got redder and more swollen so RJ gave her
kids zyrtec and it helped her scratching but the
rash just kept spreading....
compaired to what it looked like by
the time we got to wee care.
and this all happened within an hour
it was everywhere and bad her whole
tummy was red and swollen like her
face and the bumps were pretty much
covering every part of her body,
the wee care doctor said it was bad
and was very concerned about it so
they said they would have to stay 1.5 hr
to monitor her. They gave her steroid
shot and within a few min you could tell
it was starting to work so they only made
them stay for an hour.
wrong and would stop to itch every couple min
hard to believe but her face got even worse
then this!
still a happy kid!
SO apparently Olivia is allergic
to cashews too,
something else to add to the list!
they sent us home with an epi-pen
since she is so young they cant do
allergy testing so its just trial and
error and always have that pen
with you for now!
then this!
SO apparently Olivia is allergic
to cashews too,
something else to add to the list!
they sent us home with an epi-pen
since she is so young they cant do
allergy testing so its just trial and
error and always have that pen
with you for now!