Monday, August 1, 2011

Carsons EEG at Primary Childrens

Carson has been some little tremors or
seizures.  They sent us to Primary's to
get an EEG done to try and rule out seizures
but told us that it still could be seizures even
if it doesn't show up on the test.  So he
had to be sleep deprived so I had to have
RJ take the day off work and I sat in the back seat
with Carson and sang songs and tickled him
all the way to salt lake.  He was so tired he would
close his eyes and laugh when I was being silly
it was so sad, yet so funny.

so they hook up 26 (I think it was) wires
to his little head and then have him sleep and
do different tests.  Well the computer had a virus
and froze and so when they re-booted he did
a little shake, not a long one but the nurse did see it
so anyways the test came back clean and the next step
is blood and urine in a month.

his head all wrapped up.
so what happens to him looks like a little
shiver but some times they last longer and
his eyes roll in the back of his head and
it takes him a min to snap back into life.
so that is what is scary.
One time he had 9 in a row went out of it
and then snapped back and said DADADADA
the Dr thinks he will be ok and just be something
he will grow out of but we need to do the tests
and rule out some more things still.
The nurses LOVED Carson and they went and
got him a little toy car/motorcycle and then
they were like go get him a blanket to go home with
and then the one nurse was like look at his shirt there
is a blanket in there that would match his outfit go get that
so they got a blanket to match him (not what he is wearing now)
it was a little monkey onsie outfit!

He loved it and I love Primary Childrens!!!!

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